Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Final Three

These three pictures were the final projects in our Digital Imaging class. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Portfolio Compact Disc

This was a project to make a portfolio of my work in college.  Anything from Advertising, Design, Logos, or photos were involved.  The CD was meant to show off some of my best work in a image gallery.  

Thursday, February 24, 2011

From a Rose

This idea was based off being somewhere else in the galaxy and looking toward earth.  Plus it was around Valentines Day and I had roses on the mind. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Traditional Surrealism vs. Digital Surrealism

"Danger On The Stairs" by: Pierre Roy

I feel as though the artist was trying to relate the snakes shape going down the stairs with, of course, the stairs.  One might not find this portrait surreal at all but I see the winding stairway and the flexibility of the snake to be very surreal. 

"Steps Down" by: Horia B.

I feel that this photo was combined to express the age and contrast between the stairs and broken mask.  The artist made the mask even more broken up by combining the rotting wall into it.